Thursday 18 August 2011

Windows 8 RTM release date leaked July 2nd, 2011

After the great success of Windows 7, Microsoft is working on Windows 7 SP 1 and Windows 8 the next version of Windows.Today,according to electronista the release date of Windows 8 RTM leaked by a Microsoft Employee.Windows Server 2012 and Office 2012 would ship a year and a day later on July 2nd, 2012.
windows 8 releaseon 2011
windows 8 releaseon 2011
It would seem that Microsoft may be speeding up its product development cycle.A PDF leaked by Microsoft Ex-Employee with Estimated Product Support Life Cycles.It says,
Windows 8 release date leaked in 2010
Windows 8 in 2012
  1. Microsoft will stop support for Windows XP after 2014.
  2. It will stop support for the disappointed version Vista after the middle of 2017.
  3. It will stop support for the super hit version Windows 7(Released in 2009) after the middle of 2019.
  4. And going to release Windows 8 RTM on July 2nd,2011 and it will stop support for Windows 8 after 2021.
  5. For current Windows Client support will be available up to 2021.
  6. And for Office 2010 the beta is already available on Microsoft’s download page,the support will be available up to 2022.
So all the best Microsoft.

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