Thursday 18 August 2011

Impress your friends by downloading Firefox, the GEEKY method

Greetings fellow Firefoxers, Firefoxians & Firefoxants... er..I mean firefox lovers.
Get ready to
  • Show off a new GEEKY way to download firefox and impress your friends.
  • Prove that we don't need any other browser to download Firefox.
  • Download Firefox without help of IE in a PC with fresh installation of XP/Vista !
Read the last point again. Download firefox even without IE or any other browser after performing a fresh installation of Windows XP/Vista ?
Gonna install with an installer you already have in your Hard disk or USB Drive ?Very funny. A Big NO. I would end cleaning public toilets in one of the Arab countries for such a sick joke :)
What? Is there really a way to do this?
Yes. Just follow the simple steps and you will know.
  1. Open the command prompt (Start > Run > Type CMD > Press Enter)
  2. Type in ftp [Enter] - Yes this is it - File Transfer Protocol
  3. Type o [Enter]
  4. Type [Enter] Then it will prompt you for the Username, type anonymous [Enter]
  5. Next it will ask for the password, type techtolarocks [Enter]
  6. Now it must say '230 Login successful.' Congrats !
  7. Next type lcd c:\ and it will respond - 'Local directory now C:\.'
  8. Type binary [Enter]
  9. Next type cd pub/ [Enter]
  10. Then type ls [Enter] (LS in small letters) and it will list all the subfolders
  11. Choose which version you wanna download and type cd <foldername>For example, I need to download RC3 so I will type cd 3.0rc3 [Enter]
  12. Next cd win32 if you are using windows. Linux/Mac users use ls and cd again.
  13. Next type cd en-US [Enter] (choose English - US, For other language use ls)
  14. now type mget * - and it starts to download all the files in that folder.
  15. When it prompts ? for each file just type in y
  16. After downloading your favorite firefox installer, find it in c:\
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