Thursday, 18 August 2011

How to hide folders in Windows XP - A Superb way

I have come across many methods to hide folders in XP, but I personally like this very much because its very easy, fast & useful. Also, showing off this trick before your friends will definitely fetch your ears a big WOW !
You can use this to hide your folder in an office computer, in a public browsing center or even your own friends computer.
Ok now lets get ready. Here is the scenario. I have got a folder which I need to keep as a secret in my PC. I will show two alternatives to do it by using the same trick.
Method 1:-
  1. Copy the folder to your C:\ (Any other location is also fine)
  2. Right click it, click Properties. Now select the Customize tab.
  3. Choose 'Change Icon' under folder icons.
  4. Choose a file icon (INI, TXT or Icon for files without extension)
  5. Then apply it, and rename it to something obvious like Instlog.ini, boot.ini, Tmplog etc.
  6. This method has proved to be very effective as no one will even care to open a temp file, ini file or a file without extension. Check this picture for final result.

    I did this in my office computer. I had almost 10-15 games and movies, but my Manager was never able to find any even after using the PC for 3 days :)
Method 2 (Another variation) :-
  1. Repeat the first 3 steps as given above.
  2. This time don't place the folder in C:\ D:\ Directly. Instead you should create a folder called Recycler, Recycled etc. and place the secret folder in it.
  3. While choosing icon choose the blank icon. Click here for Figure.
  4. Now apply and you will see the icon is invisible !
  5. But there is still a name floating, so make the name also blank.

  6. Here is the solution. Select the folder and press F2. Now hold down ALT key and press 255 on the num keypad then release the ALT key and press ENTER.
  7. Now I think I can hear a WOW :)
Update:- Well, I'm not trying to say that this is the best way to hide folders on XP. But you might like it as it is easy and fast to do. Moreover it does look cool when the icon is completely blank even if its not for hiding.

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